As I share my stories, my lessons, my journey, I hope to create a place that offers support to motherless daughters, Snapshots of who I have become for my children, and ongoing healing.. Stories are the elixir's of the soul. "The only journey is the journey within"

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Breathe, Nature is an elixir, no prescription required and free!

If you want to breathe life into your tired old bones, I have the remedy. Go outside! I am so blessed to have the most exquisite mountains in my back yard. I had many thoughts today as I observed the mountains as they are preparing for slumber. Nature can be such a brilliant teacher. When I look at the exquisite beauty of Fall, I can't help but realize that this vibrance is actually death. If I can look upon death and all of it's beauty, realizing that the earth mulches and fertilizes the ground, and in the spring gives birth again to the slumbering. If I can sit with death, then I can enjoy the beauty of life. If I enjoy the beauty of life, then all of that enjoyment and love will go with me in my own Fall, when my soul in all of its beauty makes a grand transformation. I have had to live with death, and the sadness of loss. In reflection of that loss I see the beauty and honor the teacher. May I LIVE each day and be the beauty that wraps my soul in the tincture of nature. Fall is my elixir. Death is my ally. 

Maples trees glow fire red as the sun glistens through. Breathe... 

Snow Sage and quaky aspens mix and mingle with the green pine as if they are showing off their splendor. Breathe.....

The blue sky is like paint on the wall, a masterpiece. Breathe....

Sage, flowering, not always noticed but when we offer attention look at the beauty!! Breathe....

Layers, from sage, to trees on fire. Rocky knolls, then sky. Awww.. Breathe...

And the grasses. They dance and create a desert ocean wave. Wow!! Breathe....

Carpe Diem, Seize the day, live consciously and Breathe!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Where is your power?

"Our real power is not derived from our positions in life, a hefty bank account, or an impressive career. Instead, it is the expression of that authenticity inside of us, our strength, integrity, an grace externalized. We don't realize that each of us has the power of the universe within us. We look around and we see others as powerful, we see nature as powerful, we can witness a seed turning into a flower or the sun crossing the sky every day. We even see life created in us, from us. Yet we see ourselves as disconnected from all of this power. God did not make nature powerful and man weak. Our power comes from the knowledge that we are unique, and from our understanding that we have the same innate power as all other creations. Our power lies deep within us. It is the power with which we were born. If it has been forgotten, it needs only to be recognized again." ~Elisabeth Kubler Ross~

This picture depicts this very concept of knowing your own power, and standing firmly in it. This precious little one, stated firmly that she wanted to be a "Bearpaller" (pallbearer) and with determination despite the status quo, jumped in and created a moment! In this crazy time, stop... slowdown, get quiet and remember the source that is deep within you.

Carpe Diem, seize the day, live consciously!