As I share my stories, my lessons, my journey, I hope to create a place that offers support to motherless daughters, Snapshots of who I have become for my children, and ongoing healing.. Stories are the elixir's of the soul. "The only journey is the journey within"

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Be wild today!

Though this universe I own, I possess not a thing.
For I cannot know the unknown, If to the known I cling....

Jump out of the hamster wheel and try something new today. Go on a hike, gaze at the sky, turn off your phone, computer, ipad, itouch. Get "in-touch" with your soul. How can you feed yourself today. Dance, be wild, laugh, discover joy? What will you do? 

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results."
~Albert Einsten~

Carpe Diem...Seize the day!