I've traveled to San Diego for over 15 years. I have only entered and exited that airport from terminal 1. Last week, as I was leaving the airplane down the jet way and into the terminal, my balance was thrown off when I didn't recognize my familiar surroundings? Where am I? My husband said, "we are in terminal 2. Thats odd, I haven't been in this terminal for years." Walking down the hallway, I noticed an artistic exhibit that commanded my attention. In a rush to get to the car rental bus, I couldn't help but stop and look and take a couple of photo's. John was anxious to get to the curb as the clock was 2 minutes to 11, the last shuttle to our car rental would leave in aprox. 2 min. The exhibit was clocks, and inscribed on the walls, poetry. I was so torn to rush forward in linear time to the shuttle, and at the same time wanting time to stand still so that I could absorb this art and poetry. John enticed me out of my trance with a flyer describing the art work and a sampling of the poetry. Thinking that I could now go to a web site, I changed my focus and ran with my husband to the curb. Just in the nick of time, we jumped on the last shuttle of the evening and made it to our rental car.
The Artist: Jeff Steorts his website www.jeffsteorts.com
His Work: "A San Diego artist whose work is inspired by ancient concepts found in mechanical, poetical, horological and spiritual studies. Through the use of sculpture, symbols and poetry, Steorts seeks to convey timeless notions of spiritual transformation and the search for inner divinity within the heart of humanity."
Within the Heart of Time and Space....
There is within the very heart of everyone and everything an eternal timekeeper; a divine mechanism that governs the world and all creation. When the divine hour strikes we begin to wake up to our innermost spiritual glory and our outermost potential. It is through this grand illusion and intersection of time and space that we evolve and grow:
From darkness to light
From the finite to the infinite
from a state of separation to complete oneness
From the temporal to the eternal.
I have been fascinated with the concept that time can be viewed as circular, rather than linear, realizing that the present moment is influenced by the past, and in the same moment, we can also influence the future by our conscious choices in the here and now. It's easy to be caught up in the locomotion of forward movement paying little attention to our ties to the past, and our visions for the future. I believe that as we awaken and become conscious in our present, we are able to heal past wounds, and dream a bigger vision not only for ourselves but for our children and the future that is yet to come. As I have learned to step outside of time, I am able to reflect on the genetic gifts that have been handed down through the DNA strands of the past, and in the same moment, set free those shackles of days gone by. I believe that we change our future when we make changes in our todays and tomorrows. I love the messages and art work provided in the East/West corridor of terminal 2 in the San Diego airport. If you have a chance to see this timeless work, I highly recommend it!
Thank you Jeff Steorts, for your captivating art, that allowed me to step outside of time for just a moment
as I took in the magic of your work. In that moment, I stepped outside of time, and still made the shuttle. It should have been impossible, but I have come to realize that miracles happen in that mysterious place of the in-between!
Carpe Diem...Live Consciously...Seize the day!